For the Animals, Your health, Our environment

Busy, Busy, Busy

We are in our final push to get our remodel completed so we can finally move into our new home.  This has been a 7 days a week, long hours project that has been a real strain on my blogging, grocery shopping and cooking.  It feels a lot like when our 4 kids were younger and involved in all types of competitive sports.  We didn’t have enough room on the daily calendar for all the activities, games, practices and places we needed to get to.  Our weekends were filled with games across the Midwest and communication was typically game scores via text messages.

This type of schedule can make it difficult to maintain a healthy, plant based diet.  Even the best planning can sometimes fall short of your expectations, but that’s ok.  “Vectoring” is what I call it when you need to change course due to unforeseen circumstances.  Instead of the planned out meal, you end up quickly sauteing some veggies with garlic and vegan parmesan and throwing it on some pasta.  Viola!  Healthy and quick meal.

Plan that somehow worked

Last week I made a batch of my Buffalo Chickpea burgers.   I typically make a large batch and freeze them, but in the chaos that is our life, I forgot to freeze them.  This oops has turned into a life and meal saver.  This week has been busier than we expected.  No formal meal planning or shopping.  So, those burgers that didn’t get frozen turned into 2 more meals this week.  Yes, we have eaten Buffalo Chickpea burgers 3 times in the last 2 weeks and they still didn’t disappoint – SO GOOD!

This week I paired the burgers with steamed broccoli one night and my Nashville Hot Cauliflower the next night.   I also made seasoned, oven baked fries each night.  One night I used cumin, ancho chili powder, garlic powder, salt, pepper and a touch of organic cane sugar.  The next night I went basic with a little garlic, salt and pepper.  Both meals were fast, full of BOLD flavors, healthy and delicious.

So, the moral of this story is even in the busiest of times, you can still eat a healthy, plant based diet.  It takes planning and sometimes a Vector or two, but it can and should be done!  Off to my next home project – I wonder what I am going to pull off for dinner tonight?  No worries, I’ll come up with something……


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