For the Animals, Your health, Our environment

In the HOME stretch – Hopefully!

The reason my blog posts and recipe posts have slowed down – ok, are really non-existent, is due to our move and house renovation.  We are out of our rental home and are living in our new house – the good news!   The bad news is that I don’t have a kitchen yet in the new home.  The cabinets should get installed this week, but the countertops are still a few weeks out.  The renovation is 80% done, but we still have a number of things to complete.  I still access to our rental for anther week, so I can run over there to make food.

For Memorial Day, we had our first family meal in our new home.  I made my Vegan Sloppy Joe’s, Vegan Creamy Spicy Potato Salad, grilled Asparagus and a chunky guacamole.  I don’t have the recipes up for the grilled asparagus or the guac, but I will.  It was a bit stressful cooking in one spot, trying to remember to bring everything needed for dinner from the rental, transferring the food etc.  We don’t really have anything from the kitchen moved into the new home so I had to bring it all.  The result = SUCCESS!  We ate out on our 3 season porch, with a light rain falling and GREAT FOOD!  It was a fantastic way to end a hectic and stressful week and weekend.

Next Steps

I would say we still have a couple big weeks of work ahead of us and then hopefully life gets back to normal – whatever normal is – right?  I am so excited to get the kitchen up and running and getting back to cooking great vegan food and creating new vegan recipes full of big and bold tastes.  I also plan to start grilling and creating some great grill food.  My wife also has been making some great vegan desserts and I may start adding some of those recipes to the site as well.  Big things are coming……


More big news for the Winchester family.  Our daughter Abigail got a job in her field of study and her passion – Graphic Design.  She also got her wish and is moving to a big city – The Windy City of Chicago!  We are so proud and excited for her and we know she will do great!  We always want to see ours kids happy and fulfilling their dreams – even if it means them leaving us to do it!  Our goal was to raise strong, independent children and it looks like we did!  Chicago has some great vegan restaurants, so we will take advantage of the food on all our visits.  Congrats to Abigail – See you in Chicago!

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