For the Animals, Your health, Our environment

Category: My Blog

Busy, Busy Vegans!

Busy, Busy Vegans!

Busy, Busy, Busy I am part of a number of vegan/vegetarian Facebook groups.  I tend to do more reading of the comments and questions and then try to offer a solution or a recipe and of course, try to get them to read my blog Read More….

You be You!  And be the best You!

You be You! And be the best You!

Keep the focus So many times, I see people who are trying to be healthy, trying to be vegetarian or trying to be vegan and they feel they aren’t doing enough or they feel pressure to do more.  Maybe they aren’t receiving the support they Read More….

To be Aggressive or Not?  That is the Question……

To be Aggressive or Not? That is the Question……

Reflection v. Action When I started this blog and recipe site, my main motivation was to show others that you can eat a healthy, whole food, vegan diet and still have amazing foods with big + bold flavors.  This seemed like a noble initiative at Read More….

We CAN change the WORLD!

We CAN change the WORLD!

Every little bit helps! I talk a lot about my 3 pillars of being a vegan and how you need to commit to all 3 so that your decision is more than a diet – it is a lifestyle based on your ethics, morals and Read More….

The changes keep on coming……

The changes keep on coming……

Moving On! Our daughter Taylor is moving to California.  Is this a shock……  Taylor is quite the dichotomy….she loves her family and family time immensely, without question.  She has also developed a passion and drive to move either to Hawaii or California and to give Read More….

Hitting the BIG TIME?

Hitting the BIG TIME?

Finally! If you have spent anytime on my site, you quickly realize that while my recipes are Top Notch, the rest of my site is pretty lacking – go ahead and say it, I have thick skin.  My theme is basic, my pictures are at Read More….

Are we doing enough?

Are we doing enough?

Taking a step back My goal when I started this blog site was to inspire people to at least try a vegan recipe or two and think about the benefits to your health, environment and our animal friends.  But how do I reach enough people Read More….

I AM BACK!!!!!…well, sort of…..

I AM BACK!!!!!…well, sort of…..

Our New Home After almost 10 weeks of renovation, moving in and more renovation, I have a working kitchen and our new home is about 95% complete – It’s always that last 5 to 10% that kills you!  It turned out better than we expected Read More….

Almost Complete!

Almost Complete!

In the HOME stretch – Hopefully! The reason my blog posts and recipe posts have slowed down – ok, are really non-existent, is due to our move and house renovation.  We are out of our rental home and are living in our new house – Read More….

Blogging on the run

Blogging on the run

Busy, Busy, Busy We are in our final push to get our remodel completed so we can finally move into our new home.  This has been a 7 days a week, long hours project that has been a real strain on my blogging, grocery shopping Read More….